package com.juick.server.protocol; import com.juick.*; import com.juick.json.MessageSerializer; import com.juick.server.*; import com.juick.server.protocol.annotation.UserCommand; import com.juick.xmpp.extensions.JuickMessage; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; /** * Created by oxpa on 22.03.16. */ public class JuickProtocol { MessageSerializer json = new MessageSerializer(); JdbcTemplate sql; String baseUri; public JuickProtocol(JdbcTemplate sql, String baseUri) { this.sql = sql; this.baseUri = baseUri; } /** * find command by pattern and invoke * @param user who send command * @param userInput given by user * @return command result * @throws InvocationTargetException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws NoSuchMethodException */ public ProtocolReply getReply(User user, String userInput) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException { Optional cmd = Arrays.asList(getClass().getDeclaredMethods()).stream() .filter(m -> m.isAnnotationPresent(UserCommand.class)) .filter(m -> Pattern.compile(m.getAnnotation(UserCommand.class).pattern(), m.getAnnotation(UserCommand.class).patternFlags()).matcher(userInput).matches()) .findFirst(); if (!cmd.isPresent()) { // default command - post as new message return postMessage(user, userInput); } else { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(cmd.get().getAnnotation(UserCommand.class).pattern(), cmd.get().getAnnotation(UserCommand.class).patternFlags()).matcher(userInput); List groups = new ArrayList<>(); while (matcher.find()) { for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) { groups.add(; } } return (ProtocolReply) getClass().getMethod(cmd.get().getName(), User.class, String[].class) .invoke(this, user, groups.toArray(new String[groups.size()])); } } public ProtocolReply postMessage(User user, String input) { List tags = TagQueries.fromString(sql, input, false); String body = input.substring(TagQueries.toString(tags).length()); int mid = MessagesQueries.createMessage(sql, user.getUID(), body, null, tags); // JuickMessageEvent(app.messages().getMessage(mid))); return new ProtocolReply("New message posted.\n#" + mid + " " + baseUri + mid, Optional.of(json.serializeList(Collections.singletonList(MessagesQueries.getMessage(sql, mid))))); } @UserCommand(pattern = "^#(\\++)$", help = "#+ - Show last Juick messages (#++ - second page, ...)") public ProtocolReply commandLast(User user, String... arguments) { // number of + is the page count int page = arguments[0].length(); List mids = MessagesQueries.getAll(sql, user.getUID(), page); List messages = MessagesQueries.getMessages(sql, mids); // TODO: message toString return new ProtocolReply("Last messages: \n" + String.join("\n", .collect(Collectors.toList())), Optional.of(json.serializeList(messages))); } @UserCommand(pattern = "^\\s*bl\\s*$", patternFlags = Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE, help = "BL - Show your blacklist") public ProtocolReply commandBL(User user_from, String... arguments) { List blusers; List bltags; blusers = UserQueries.getUserBLUsers(sql, user_from.getUID()); bltags = TagQueries.getUserBLTags(sql, user_from.getUID()); String txt = ""; if (bltags.size() > 0) { for (String bltag : bltags) { txt += "*" + bltag + "\n"; } if (blusers.size() > 0) { txt += "\n"; } } if (blusers.size() > 0) { for (User bluser : blusers) { txt += "@" + bluser.getUName() + "\n"; } } if (txt.isEmpty()) { txt = "You don't have any users or tags in your blacklist."; } return new ProtocolReply(txt, Optional.empty()); } @UserCommand(pattern = "^\\@([^\\s\\n\\+]+)(\\+?)$", help = "@username+ - Show user's info and last 10 messages (@username++ - second page, ..)") public ProtocolReply commandUser(User user, String... arguments) { User blogUser = UserQueries.getUserByName(sql, arguments[0]); int page = arguments[1].length(); if (blogUser.getUID() > 0) { List mids = MessagesQueries.getUserBlog(sql, blogUser.getUID(), 0, page); List messages = MessagesQueries.getMessages(sql, mids); return new ProtocolReply(String.format("Last messages from @%s:\n%s", arguments[0], String.join("\n", .map(Object::toString).collect(Collectors.toList()))), Optional.of(json.serializeList(messages))); } return new ProtocolReply("User not found", Optional.empty()); } @UserCommand(pattern = "^\\s*d\\s*\\#([0-9]+)\\s*$", patternFlags = Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE, help = "D #12345 - delete the message") public ProtocolReply commandDel(User user, String... args) { try { int mid = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); if (MessagesQueries.deleteMessage(sql, user.getUID(), mid)) { return new ProtocolReply(String.format("Message %s deleted", mid), Optional.empty()); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return new ProtocolReply("Error", Optional.empty()); } return new ProtocolReply("Error", Optional.empty()); } @UserCommand(pattern = "^\\s*login\\s*$", patternFlags = Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE, help = "LOGIN - log in to Juick website") public ProtocolReply commandLogin(User user, String... arguments) { return new ProtocolReply(baseUri + "?" + UserQueries.getHashByUID(sql, user.getUID()), Optional.empty()); } @UserCommand(pattern = "^(#+)$", help = "# - Show last messages from your feed (## - second page, ...)") public ProtocolReply commandMyFeed(User user, String... arguments) { // number of # is the page count int page = arguments[0].length(); List mids = MessagesQueries.getMyFeed(sql, user.getUID(), page); List messages = MessagesQueries.getMessages(sql, mids); // TODO: add instructions for empty feed return new ProtocolReply("Your feed: \n" + String.join("\n",, Optional.of(json.serializeList(messages))); } @UserCommand(pattern = "^\\s*(on|off)\\s*$", patternFlags = Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE, help = "ON/OFF - Enable/disable subscriptions delivery") public ProtocolReply commandOnOff(User user, String[] input) { UserQueries.ActiveStatus newStatus; String retValUpdated; if (input[0].toLowerCase().equals("on")) { newStatus = UserQueries.ActiveStatus.Active; retValUpdated = "Notifications are activated for " + user.getJID(); } else { newStatus = UserQueries.ActiveStatus.Inactive; retValUpdated = "Notifications are disabled for " + user.getJID(); } if (UserQueries.setActiveStatusForJID(sql, user.getJID(), newStatus)) { return new ProtocolReply(retValUpdated, Optional.empty()); } else { return new ProtocolReply(String.format("Subscriptions status for %s was not changed", user.getJID()), Optional.empty()); } } @UserCommand(pattern = "^\\s*ping\\s*$", patternFlags = Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE, help = "PING - returns you a PONG") public ProtocolReply commandPing(User user, String[] input) { return new ProtocolReply("PONG", Optional.empty()); } @UserCommand(pattern = "^\\@(\\S+)\\s+([\\s\\S]+)$", help = "@username message - send PM to username") public ProtocolReply commandPM(User user_from, String... arguments) { String user_to = arguments[0]; String body = arguments[1]; int ret = 0; int uid_to = 0; String jid_to = null; boolean haveInRoster = false; if (user_to.indexOf('@') > 0) { uid_to = UserQueries.getUIDbyJID(sql, user_to); } else { uid_to = UserQueries.getUIDbyName(sql, user_to); } if (uid_to > 0) { if (!UserQueries.isInBLAny(sql, uid_to, user_from.getUID())) { if (PMQueries.createPM(sql, user_from.getUID(), uid_to, body)) { jid_to = UserQueries.getJIDsbyUID(sql, uid_to); if (jid_to != null) { haveInRoster = PMQueries.havePMinRoster(sql, user_from.getUID(), jid_to); } ret = 200; } else { ret = 500; } } else { ret = 403; } } else { ret = 404; } if (ret == 200) { JuickMessage jmsg = new JuickMessage(); jmsg.setUser(user_from); jmsg.setText(body); // TODO: add PM payload JuickMessageEvent(jmsg)); /* TODO: move to XMPP component if (jid_to != null) { Message mm = new Message(); = new JID(jid_to); mm.type =; if (haveInRoster) { mm.from = new JID(user_from.getUName(), getDomain(), "Juick"); mm.body = body; } else { mm.from = new JID("juick", getDomain(), "Juick"); mm.body = "Private message from @" + user_from.getUName() + ":\n" + body; } return Collections.singletonList(mm); } */ } if (ret == 200) { return new ProtocolReply("Private message sent", Optional.empty()); } else { return new ProtocolReply("Error " + ret, Optional.empty()); } } @UserCommand(pattern = "^#(\\d+)(\\+?)$", help = "#1234 - Show message (#1234+ - message with replies)") public ProtocolReply commandShow(User user, String... arguments) { boolean showReplies = arguments[1].length() > 0; int mid; try { mid = Integer.parseInt(arguments[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return new ProtocolReply("Error", Optional.empty()); } Message msg = MessagesQueries.getMessage(sql, mid); if (showReplies) { List replies = MessagesQueries.getReplies(sql, mid); replies.add(0, msg); return new ProtocolReply(String.join("\n",, Optional.of(json.serializeList(replies))); } return new ProtocolReply(msg.toString(), Optional.of(json.serializeList(Collections.singletonList(msg)))); } @UserCommand(pattern = "^(#|\\.)(\\d+)((\\.|\\-|\\/)(\\d+))?\\s([\\s\\S]+)", help = "#1234 *tag *tag2 - edit tags\n#1234 text - reply to message") public ProtocolReply EditOrReply(User user, String... args) { int mid; try { mid = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return new ProtocolReply("Error", Optional.empty()); } int rid; try { rid = Integer.parseInt(args[4]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { rid = 0; } String txt = args[5]; List messageTags = TagQueries.fromString(sql, txt, true); if (messageTags.size() > 0) { if (user.getUID() != MessagesQueries.getMessageAuthor(sql, mid).getUID()) { return new ProtocolReply("It is not your message", Optional.empty()); } TagQueries.updateTags(sql, mid, messageTags); return new ProtocolReply("Tags are updated", Optional.empty()); } else { int newrid = MessagesQueries.createReply(sql, mid, rid, user.getUID(), txt, null); return new ProtocolReply("Reply posted.\n#" + mid + "/" + newrid + " " + baseUri + mid + "/" + newrid, Optional.of(json.serializeList(Collections.singletonList(MessagesQueries.getReply(sql, mid, newrid))))); } } @UserCommand(pattern = "^(s|u)\\s+#(\\d+)$", help = "S #1234 - subscribe to comments", patternFlags = Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) public ProtocolReply commandSubscribeMessage(User user, String... args) { boolean subscribe = args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("s"); int mid; try { mid = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return new ProtocolReply("Error", Optional.empty()); } if (subscribe) { if (SubscriptionsQueries.subscribeMessage(sql, mid, user.getUID())) { return new ProtocolReply("Subscribed", Optional.empty()); } } else { if (SubscriptionsQueries.unSubscribeMessage(sql, mid, user.getUID())) { return new ProtocolReply("Unsubscribed from #" + mid, Optional.empty()); } return new ProtocolReply("You was not subscribed to #" + mid, Optional.empty()); } return new ProtocolReply("Error", Optional.empty()); } @UserCommand(pattern = "^(s|u)\\s+\\@(\\S+)$", help = "S @user - subscribe to user's posts", patternFlags = Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) public ProtocolReply commandSubscribeUser(User user, String... args) { boolean subscribe = args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("s"); User toUser = UserQueries.getUserByName(sql, args[1]); if (toUser.getUID() > 0) { if (subscribe) { if (SubscriptionsQueries.subscribeUser(sql, user, toUser)) { return new ProtocolReply("Subscribed", Optional.empty()); // TODO: notification // TODO: already subscribed case } } else { if (SubscriptionsQueries.unSubscribeUser(sql, user, toUser)) { return new ProtocolReply("Unsubscribed from @" + toUser.getUName(), Optional.empty()); } return new ProtocolReply("You was not subscribed to @" + toUser.getUName(), Optional.empty()); } } return new ProtocolReply("Error", Optional.empty()); } @UserCommand(pattern = "^(s|u)\\s+\\*(\\S+)$", help = "S *tag - subscribe to tag" + "\nU *tag - unsubscribe from tag", patternFlags = Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) public ProtocolReply commandSubscribeTag(User user, String... args) { boolean subscribe = args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("s"); Tag tag = TagQueries.getTag(sql, args[1], true); if (subscribe) { if (SubscriptionsQueries.subscribeTag(sql, user, tag)) { return new ProtocolReply("Subscribed", Optional.empty()); } } else { if (SubscriptionsQueries.unSubscribeTag(sql, user, tag)) { return new ProtocolReply("Unsubscribed from " + tag.Name, Optional.empty()); } return new ProtocolReply("You was not subscribed to " + tag.Name, Optional.empty()); } return new ProtocolReply("Error", Optional.empty()); } @UserCommand(pattern = "^\\s*help\\s*$", patternFlags = Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE, help = "HELP - returns this help message") public ProtocolReply commandHelp(User user, String[] input) { List commandsHelp = Arrays.asList(getClass().getDeclaredMethods()).stream() .filter(m -> m.isAnnotationPresent(UserCommand.class)) .map(m -> m.getAnnotation(UserCommand.class).help()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return new ProtocolReply(String.join("\n", commandsHelp), Optional.empty()); } }