 * Copyright (C) 2008-2020, Juick
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package com.juick.service;

import com.juick.model.Message;
import com.juick.model.Reaction;
import com.juick.model.User;
import com.juick.model.ResponseReply;
import com.juick.model.Tag;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;

import java.net.URI;
import java.util.*;

 * Created by aalexeev on 11/13/16.
public interface MessagesService {
    int createMessage(int uid, String txt, String attachment, List<Tag> tags);

    int createReply(int mid, int rid, User user, String txt, String attachment);
    enum RecommendStatus {

    RecommendStatus recommendMessage(int mid, int vuid, String userUri);

    RecommendStatus recommendMessage(int mid, int vuid);

    List<Reaction> listReactions();

    RecommendStatus likeMessage(int mid, int vuid, Integer reaction);

    RecommendStatus likeMessage(int mid, int vuid, Integer reaction, String userUri);

    boolean canViewThread(int mid, int uid);

    boolean isReadOnly(int mid);

    boolean isSubscribed(int uid, int mid);

    int getMessagePrivacy(int mid);

    Optional<Message> getMessage(int mid);

    Message getReply(int mid, int rid);

    Message getReplyByUri(String replyUri);

    User getMessageAuthor(int mid);

    List<Pair<Integer, User>> getMessagesRecommendations(Collection<Integer> mids);

    List<Integer> getAll(int visitorUid, int before);

    List<Integer> getTag(int tid, int visitorUid, int before, int cnt);

    List<Integer> getTags(String tids, int visitorUid, int before, int cnt);

    List<Integer> getPlace(int placeId, int visitorUid, int before);

    List<Integer> getMyFeed(int uid, int before, boolean recommended);

    List<Integer> getPrivate(int uid, int before);

    List<Integer> getDiscussions(int uid, Long to);

    List<Integer> getRecommended(int uid, int before);

    List<Integer> getPopular(int visitorUid, int before);

    List<Integer> getPhotos(int visitorUid, int before);

    List<Integer> getSearch(User visitor, String search, int page);

    List<Integer> getUserBlog(int uid, int privacy, int before);

    List<Integer> getUserTag(int uid, int tid, int privacy, int before);

    List<Integer> getUserBlogAtDay(int uid, int privacy, int daysback);

    List<Integer> getUserBlogWithRecommendations(int uid, int privacy, int before);

    List<Integer> getUserRecommendations(int uid, int before);

    List<Integer> getUserPhotos(int uid, int privacy, int before);

    List<Integer> getUserSearch(User visitor, int UID, String search, int privacy, int page);

    List<Message> getMessages(User visitor, List<Integer> mids);

    Map<Integer,Set<Reaction>> updateReactionsFor(final List<Integer> mid);

    List<Message> getReplies(User user, int mid);

    boolean setMessagePopular(int mid, int popular);

    boolean setMessagePrivacy(int mid);

    boolean deleteMessage(int uid, int mid);

    boolean deleteReply(int uid, int mid, int rid);

    List<Integer> getLastMessages(int hours);

    List<ResponseReply> getLastReplies(int hours);

    List<Integer> getPopularCandidates();

    void setLastReadComment(User user, Integer mid, Integer rid);

    void setRead(User user, Integer mid);

    List<Integer> getUnread(User user);

    boolean updateMessage(Integer mid, Integer rid, String body);

    boolean updateReplyUri(Message reply, URI replyUri);

    boolean replyExists(URI replyUri);

    boolean deleteReply(URI userUri, URI replyUri);

    String getMessageProperty(Integer mid, Integer rid, String key);

    void setMessageProperty(Integer mid, Integer rid, String key, String value);
    Optional<Pair<Integer, Integer>> findMessageByProperty(String key, String value);