<div class="toolbar"> {% if visitor is not empty and visitor.uid > 0 and visitor.uid != user.uid %} <div id="ctitle"> <a href="/{{ user.name }}"> <img src="{{ user.avatar }}" alt="" />{{ user.name }} </a> </div> {% if isSubscribed %} <a href="/post?body=U+%40{{ user.name }}" title="Подписан"> <i data-icon="ei-check" data-size="s"></i> <span class="desktop">Subscribed</span> </a> {% else %} <a href="/post?body=S+%40{{ user.name }}" title="Подписаться"> <i data-icon="ei-plus" data-size="s"></i> <span class="desktop">Subscribe</span> </a> {% endif %} {% if isInBL %} <a href="/post?body=BL+%40{{ user.name }}" title="Разблокировать"> <i data-icon="ei-close-o" data-size="s"></i> <span class="dekstop">Unblock</span> </a> {% else %} <a href="/post?body=BL+%40{{ user.name }}" title="Заблокировать"> <i data-icon="ei-close" data-size="s"></i> <span class="desktop">Block</span> </a> {% endif %} {% if not isInBLAny %} <a href="/pm/sent?uname={{ user.name }}" title="Написать приватное сообщение"> <i data-icon="ei-envelope" data-size="s"></i> <span class="desktop">PM</span> </a> {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if visitor is not empty and visitor.uid == user.uid %} <a href="/?show=my"><i data-icon="ei-clock" data-size="s"></i> <span class="desktop">{{ i18n("messages","link.my") }}</span> </a> <a href="/pm/inbox"><i data-icon="ei-envelope" data-size="s"></i> <span class="desktop">{{ i18n("messages","link.privateMessages") }}</span> </a> <a href="/?show=discuss"><i data-icon="ei-bell" data-size="s"></i> <span class="desktop">{{ i18n("messages","link.discuss") }}</span> </a> {% endif %} {% if visitor is not empty and visitor.uid == user.uid and false %} <a href="/?show=mycomments" rel="nofollow">{{ i18n("messages","blog.comments") }}</a> <a href="/?show=unanswered" rel="nofollow">Неотвеченные</a> {% endif %} {% if visitor is not empty and visitor.uid == user.uid %} <a href="/settings" rel="nofollow"> <i data-icon="ei-gear" data-size="s"></i> {% if not visitor.verified %} <span style="color: red;"><i data-icon="ei-exclamation" data-size="s"></i></span> {% else %} <span class="desktop">{{ i18n("messages","link.settings") }}</span> {% endif %} </a> {% endif %} </div> <form action="/{{ user.name }}/" class="desktop" style="padding: 6px;"> <p><input type="text" name="search" class="inp" placeholder="{{ i18n('messages','label.search') }}" /></p> </form> <span class="desktop" style="padding: 6px;"> {% include "views/partial/usertags" %} </span> <div id="ustats" class="desktop" style="padding: 6px;"> <ul> <li><a href="/{{ user.name }}/friends">{{ i18n("messages","blog.iread") }}: {{ statsIRead }}</a></li> <li><a href="/{{ user.name }}/readers">{{ i18n("messages","blog.readers") }}: {{ statsMyReaders }}</a></li> {% if statsMyBL > 0 and visitor.uid == user.uid %} <li><a href="/{{ user.name }}/bl">{{ i18n("messages","blog.bl") }}: {{ statsMyBL }}</a></li> {% endif %} <li>{{ i18n("messages","blog.messages") }}: {{ statsMessages }}</li> <li>{{ i18n("messages","blog.comments") }}: {{ statsReplies }}</li> </ul> {% if iread is not empty %} <div class="iread"> {% for u in iread %} <span> <a href="/{{ u.name }}/"> <img src="//i.juick.com/as/{{ u.uid }}.png" alt="{{ u.name }}" /> </a> </span> {% endfor %} </div> {% endif %} </div> {% include "views/partial/footer" %}