import React from 'react'; import { me } from '../api'; import { UserType } from './Types'; import Button from './Button'; export default class Settings extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { settings: {}, me: {} }; } componentDidMount() { me().then(visitor => { this.setState({ me: visitor }); }); } onSubmitAvatar = (event) => { if (event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } console.log('avatar update'); } passwordChanged = (event) => { this.setState({ settings: { password : } }); } onSubmitPassword = (event) => { if (event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } console.log('password update'); } render() { const { me } = this.state; return (


Changing your avatar

Recommendations: PNG, 96x96, <50Kb. Also, JPG and GIF supported.

Changing your password

Change password:
(max. length - 16 symbols)

Telegram {me.telegramName ? (
Telegram: {me.telegramName}
) : (

To connect Telegram account: send any text message to @Juick_bot

{me.jids && (
XMPP accounts

Your accounts:

{ =>
) }

{ me.jids && me.jids.length > 1 &&


To add new jabber account: send any text message to


Add account:

Your accounts:

{ me.emails ? =>
{me.emails.length > 1 &&

} ) : '-' }

{me.emails && {/** email_off **/}
You can receive notifications to email:
Sent to
{/** /email_off **/}


You can post to Juick via e-mail. Send your plain text messages to You can attach one photo or video file.

Facebook {me.facebookStatus && me.facebookStatus.connected ? ( me.facebookStatus.crosspostEnabled ?
Facebook: Enabled
Facebook: Disabled
) : (

Cross-posting to Facebook: Connect to Facebook

Twitter {me.twitterName ?
Twitter: {me.twitterName}

Cross-posting to Twitter: Connect to Twitter

); } } Settings.propTypes = { visitor: UserType.isRequired };