path: root/src/main/java/com/juick/www/api/activity/Profile.java
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authorGravatar Vitaly Takmazov2023-01-18 20:39:41 +0300
committerGravatar Vitaly Takmazov2023-01-19 14:30:01 +0300
commit12e2206f9d24b29c8276b2743603635620643444 (patch)
tree3af762f3fa6a1ce016df219fb88ab2b394ba35bb /src/main/java/com/juick/www/api/activity/Profile.java
parent5b0f0bebda5d6369111ae35f8c335324ffa4cc7e (diff)
RestTemplate -> OkHttpClient
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/com/juick/www/api/activity/Profile.java')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/juick/www/api/activity/Profile.java b/src/main/java/com/juick/www/api/activity/Profile.java
index 19a28a39..7b440a6a 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/juick/www/api/activity/Profile.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/juick/www/api/activity/Profile.java
@@ -279,142 +279,144 @@ public class Profile {
@CacheEvict(cacheNames = "profiles", key = "{ #visitor.uri }")
@PostMapping(value = "/api/inbox", consumes = { Context.LD_JSON_MEDIA_TYPE, Context.ACTIVITY_MEDIA_TYPE,
- public ResponseEntity<CommandResult> processInbox(@Parameter(hidden = true) User visitor, InputStream inboxData)
+ public ResponseEntity<CommandResult> processInbox(@Parameter(hidden = true) User visitor, @RequestBody Context context)
throws Exception {
- String inbox = IOUtils.toString(inboxData, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
- Activity activity = jsonMapper.readValue(inbox, Activity.class);
- if ((StringUtils.isNotEmpty(visitor.getUri().toString())
- && visitor.getUri().equals(URI.create(activity.getActor()))) || !visitor.isAnonymous()) {
- if (activity instanceof Follow) {
- Follow followRequest = (Follow) activity;
- applicationEventPublisher.publishEvent(new FollowEvent(this, followRequest));
- return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Follow request accepted"), HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
- }
- if (activity instanceof Undo) {
- Context object = activity.getObject();
- if (object instanceof Follow) {
- applicationEventPublisher.publishEvent(
- new UndoFollowEvent(this, activity.getActor(), ((Activity) object).getObject().getId()));
- return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Undo follow request accepted"),
- HttpStatus.OK);
- } else if (object instanceof Like || object instanceof Announce) {
- applicationEventPublisher.publishEvent(
- new UndoAnnounceEvent(this, activity.getActor(), ((Activity) object).getObject().getId()));
- return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Undo like/announce request accepted"),
- HttpStatus.OK);
+ if (context instanceof Activity activity) {
+ if ((StringUtils.isNotEmpty(visitor.getUri().toString())
+ && visitor.getUri().equals(URI.create(activity.getActor()))) || !visitor.isAnonymous()) {
+ if (activity instanceof Follow) {
+ Follow followRequest = (Follow) activity;
+ applicationEventPublisher.publishEvent(new FollowEvent(this, followRequest));
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Follow request accepted"), HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
- }
- if (activity instanceof Create) {
- if (activity.getObject() instanceof Note) {
- Note note = (Note) activity.getObject();
- URI noteId = URI.create((String) note.getId());
- if (messagesService.replyExists(noteId)) {
- return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Reply already exists"), HttpStatus.OK);
- } else {
- String inReplyTo = (String) note.getInReplyTo();
- if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(inReplyTo)) {
- if (inReplyTo.startsWith(baseUri)) {
- String postId = profileUriBuilder.postId(inReplyTo);
- User user = new User();
- user.setUri(URI.create(activity.getActor()));
- CommandResult result = commandsManager.processCommand(user,
- String.format("#%s %s", postId, formatNote(note)),
- URI.create(StringUtils.EMPTY));
- logger.info(jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(result));
- if (result.getNewMessage().isPresent()) {
- messagesService.updateReplyUri(result.getNewMessage().get(), noteId);
- return new ResponseEntity<>(result, HttpStatus.OK);
- } else {
- logger.warn("Invalid request: {}", inbox);
- return new ResponseEntity<>(result, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
- }
- } else {
- Message reply = messagesService.getReplyByUri(inReplyTo);
- if (reply != null) {
+ if (activity instanceof Undo) {
+ Context object = activity.getObject();
+ if (object instanceof Follow) {
+ applicationEventPublisher.publishEvent(
+ new UndoFollowEvent(this, activity.getActor(), ((Activity) object).getObject().getId()));
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Undo follow request accepted"),
+ HttpStatus.OK);
+ } else if (object instanceof Like || object instanceof Announce) {
+ applicationEventPublisher.publishEvent(
+ new UndoAnnounceEvent(this, activity.getActor(), ((Activity) object).getObject().getId()));
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Undo like/announce request accepted"),
+ HttpStatus.OK);
+ }
+ }
+ if (activity instanceof Create) {
+ if (activity.getObject() instanceof Note) {
+ Note note = (Note) activity.getObject();
+ URI noteId = URI.create(note.getId());
+ if (messagesService.replyExists(noteId)) {
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Reply already exists"), HttpStatus.OK);
+ } else {
+ String inReplyTo = note.getInReplyTo();
+ if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(inReplyTo)) {
+ if (inReplyTo.startsWith(baseUri)) {
+ String postId = profileUriBuilder.postId(inReplyTo);
User user = new User();
CommandResult result = commandsManager.processCommand(user,
- String.format("#%d/%d %s", reply.getMid(), reply.getRid(),
- formatNote(note)),
+ String.format("#%s %s", postId, formatNote(note)),
if (result.getNewMessage().isPresent()) {
messagesService.updateReplyUri(result.getNewMessage().get(), noteId);
return new ResponseEntity<>(result, HttpStatus.OK);
+ } else {
+ logger.warn("Invalid request: {}", context.getId());
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(result, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Message reply = messagesService.getReplyByUri(inReplyTo);
+ if (reply != null) {
+ User user = new User();
+ user.setUri(URI.create(activity.getActor()));
+ CommandResult result = commandsManager.processCommand(user,
+ String.format("#%d/%d %s", reply.getMid(), reply.getRid(),
+ formatNote(note)),
+ URI.create(StringUtils.EMPTY));
+ logger.info(jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(result));
+ if (result.getNewMessage().isPresent()) {
+ messagesService.updateReplyUri(result.getNewMessage().get(), noteId);
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(result, HttpStatus.OK);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (note.getTo().stream().anyMatch(recipient -> recipient.startsWith(baseUri))) {
+ logger.warn("Possible direct message from {}", note.getAttributedTo());
+ applicationEventPublisher.publishEvent(new DirectMessageEvent(this, note));
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Message accepted"),
+ HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
+ }
- } else {
- if (note.getTo().stream().anyMatch(recipient -> recipient.startsWith(baseUri))) {
- logger.warn("Possible direct message from {}", note.getAttributedTo());
- applicationEventPublisher.publishEvent(new DirectMessageEvent(this, note));
- return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Message accepted"),
- HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
- }
+ logger.warn("Request with invalid recipient from {}", activity.getActor());
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Message accepted"), HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
- logger.warn("Request with invalid recipient from {}", activity.getActor());
- return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Message accepted"), HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
- }
- if (activity instanceof Delete) {
- URI objectId = URI.create(activity.getObject().getId());
- if (messagesService.replyExists(objectId)) {
- URI actor = URI.create(activity.getActor());
- messagesService.deleteReply(actor, objectId);
+ if (activity instanceof Delete) {
+ URI objectId = URI.create(activity.getObject().getId());
+ if (messagesService.replyExists(objectId)) {
+ URI actor = URI.create(activity.getActor());
+ messagesService.deleteReply(actor, objectId);
+ }
+ // accept all authenticated Delete activities
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Delete request accepted"), HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
- // accept all authenticated Delete activities
- return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Delete request accepted"), HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
- }
- if (activity instanceof Like || activity instanceof Announce) {
- String messageUri = activity.getObject().getId();
- applicationEventPublisher.publishEvent(new AnnounceEvent(this, activity.getActor(), messageUri));
- return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Like/announce request accepted"), HttpStatus.OK);
- }
- if (activity instanceof Flag) {
- URI actor = URI.create(activity.getActor());
- logger.info("{} flag some objects: {}", actor, activity.getObject());
- return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Report accepted"), HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
- }
- if (activity instanceof Update) {
- if (activity.getObject() instanceof Person
- && activity.getActor().equals(activity.getObject().getId())) {
- logger.info("{} update they profile");
- return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Update accepted"), HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
+ if (activity instanceof Like || activity instanceof Announce) {
+ String messageUri = activity.getObject().getId();
+ applicationEventPublisher.publishEvent(new AnnounceEvent(this, activity.getActor(), messageUri));
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Like/announce request accepted"), HttpStatus.OK);
+ }
+ if (activity instanceof Flag) {
+ URI actor = URI.create(activity.getActor());
+ logger.info("{} flag some objects: {}", actor, activity.getObject());
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Report accepted"), HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
- if (activity.getObject() instanceof Note) {
- Note note = (Note) activity.getObject();
- logger.info("Got update to {}", note.getId());
- if (activity.getActor().equals(note.getAttributedTo())) {
- Message reply = messagesService.getReplyByUri(note.getId());
- if (reply != null) {
- if (messagesService.updateMessage(reply.getMid(), reply.getRid(), formatNote(note), true)) {
- logger.info("{} update they message {}", activity.getActor(), note.getId());
+ if (activity instanceof Update) {
+ if (activity.getObject() instanceof Person
+ && activity.getActor().equals(activity.getObject().getId())) {
+ logger.info("{} update they profile");
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Update accepted"), HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
+ }
+ if (activity.getObject() instanceof Note) {
+ Note note = (Note) activity.getObject();
+ logger.info("Got update to {}", note.getId());
+ if (activity.getActor().equals(note.getAttributedTo())) {
+ Message reply = messagesService.getReplyByUri(note.getId());
+ if (reply != null) {
+ if (messagesService.updateMessage(reply.getMid(), reply.getRid(), formatNote(note), true)) {
+ logger.info("{} update they message {}", activity.getActor(), note.getId());
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
+ }
+ logger.warn("Unable to update {}", note.getId());
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE);
+ } else {
+ logger.warn("Update not found: {}", note.getId());
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
- logger.warn("Unable to update {}", note.getId());
- return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE);
} else {
- logger.warn("Update not found: {}", note.getId());
- return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
+ logger.warn("Invalid Update: {}", jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(activity));
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
- } else {
- logger.warn("Invalid Update: {}", jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(activity));
- return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
+ if (activity instanceof Block) {
+ logger.info("{} blocks {} (room_full_of_people_who_care.jpg)", activity.getActor(), activity.getObject().getId());
+ }
+ logger.warn("Unknown activity: {}", jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(activity));
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Unknown activity"), HttpStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
- if (activity instanceof Block) {
- logger.info("{} blocks {} (room_full_of_people_who_care.jpg)", activity.getActor(), activity.getObject().getId());
- }
- logger.warn("Unknown activity: {}", jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(activity));
- return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Unknown activity"), HttpStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
- }
- if (activity instanceof Delete) {
- // Delete gone user
- if (activity.getActor().equals(activity.getObject().getId())) {
- return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Delete request accepted"), HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
+ if (activity instanceof Delete) {
+ // Delete gone user
+ if (activity.getActor().equals(activity.getObject().getId())) {
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Delete request accepted"), HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Can't parse"), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
return new ResponseEntity<>(CommandResult.fromString("Can not authenticate"), HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);