path: root/juick-spring-www/src/main/java/com/juick/www/controllers/SettingsController.java
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-12-12i18n for pagesGravatar Alexander Alexeev
2016-12-12no need to add visitor to modelGravatar Alexander Alexeev
2016-12-12juick-spring-www: settings templates and other WIPGravatar Vitaly Takmazov
2016-12-11i18n, using SecurityContextHolder for get currentUser (user always not null)Gravatar Alexander Alexeev
2016-12-09juick-spring-www: merge some work from develop branch, port some templates to ThymeleafGravatar Vitaly Takmazov
2016-11-23spring-www project skeletonGravatar Alexander Alexeev